Monday, July 2, 2012

Exploration and Adventure!

What a big difference a week makes. Just now we were reflecting on this past week and we realized a) how quickly time has passed and b) that we don't remember our first few days that clearly. Undoubtedly, the fact we arrived here beyond exhausted and overwhelmed from the earlier weeks' selling/packing/moving processes was responsible.

This past week, however, has been different. With no responsibility other than to rest up, learn the ins and outs of living in Klaipeda, and explore our new city, we have gone on many a short adventure. In fact, we're even including a video of our first solo bike ride into what is known as Old Town that may help paint a picture of how things look around here.

We've already started the relationship-building process -- albeit in small ways -- and are excited about some of the people we've been meeting. These new friends have taken us all over the place and have been huge in our adjustment process. We'll introduce and maybe profile some of them a bit more in the future, but for now a big thank you to Mindaugas, Susie, Diane, and many others who have been so helpful these past few days.

The Dane river, which cuts
through Klaipeda.
With them we've gone grocery shopping, explored the farmer's market, and even got to watch the EuroCup soccer finals with some great Lithuanian coworkers and their friends. And while it can all certainly be a bit overwhelming at times, embracing a spirit of adventure and being best friends with your travel mate/spouse has helped.

Now that we've had a chance to refocus, we are reminded that we've not really been able to publicly acknowledge some of the people who were crucial during our past few weeks in the Valley. First, our roommates Monica Nissley and David Vigari were ridiculously helpful and gracious. Amazing friends and good roommates. Next, our support team, which consists of Steve and Darla Schrock, Richard and Mary Keeney, and Kurt and Teresa Goering, have and will continue to be invaluable as we strive to stay connected with everyone back in the U.S.A. Also, thanks to our neighbors Aaron Gouldthorpe and Mark Allred, who have been great moral support and all-around helpful people. There are many others we could (and should) list and you know who you are. Thank all from the bottom of our hearts.

Please keep the comments coming, let us know what questions you might have, and tell your friends about this blog.


  1. loved the video! Good to see you in your habitat! Looks beautiful and interesting. Was that a 2nd hand clothing store I saw? Love you and we
    are praying fork your prayer concerns.....Maribeth

    1. That was definitely a thrift store :-). It's a chain called Humana and its affordability is how we plan on staying warm as the weather turns cooler in a few months. Interestingly, we were told some of its items have been donated by U.S. charity groups...
