Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Busy? We'll show you busy!

Very short post this week as I am currently sitting outside a storage room helping returning students find their possessions while Alisha is downstairs checking in students. This week has consisted of a lot of that, meetings, and training our resident assistants (RAs).

The RA training has definitely been the most enjoyable part of this hectic week. Although this is our first year as resident directors (RDs), I feel we've already been able to tap into our personal experiences in ways that will help these young adults as they prepare for a challenging, exciting year in student leadership.

Here are some zazz-y pictures!


  1. Bahaha!! From the tiny picture on my phone's facebook, I had fully assumed it was you guys in lederhosen (I probably butchered that word). I'm a little sad it wasn't now... -Natalie

    1. Not this time, but that's definitely on our (my) bucket list for while we're in Europe!
