Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A hop, skip, and jump and we're back

The hop = 11 hour bus ride from Klaipeda to Warsaw
The skip = flight from Warsaw to Munich
The jump = flight from Munich to Chicago

Our first bout serving in Eastern Europe is drawing to a close and we are on our way to the U.S. for a bit of fundraising, reconnecting with friends and family and, hopefully, a bit of rest.

Right now we're sitting on a bus on the way to Warsaw, Poland (anything for cheap airfare) thinking about what else we could say about the end of the semester, but it seems silly when we have an opportunity to actually meet our loved and tell them in person.

We would like to remind anyone reading this that, as we announced in our last post, we'd like to meet up for lunch or dinner while we're around. This is not a fundraiser -- there will be time for that. We simply want to have quality time (and quality conversations) with people, which may be difficult at larger events.

Sure we'll be at church and concerts and all that good stuff, but we're also hoping to recharge in a way only 1-on-1 communication can provide.

A few summer travel adjustments, which I'll repost more clearly once I have access to see real computer.
* We will not be going to the conference in Idaho (can you believe it costs more to go from Arizona to Idaho than Poland to Chicago?!)
* We are leaving for Indy on Monday instead of Sunday (tickets were much cheaper that way).

Be good, drink lots of water, and we'll see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Safe travels Josh & Alisha Ann, See you soon :) Love, Mom
